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Tick & Flea Meds Analysis 6-2020

Which Tick and Flea Meds are the Safest

June 2020:  Many of us have questions about which tick and flea meds to use and which are safe. Some have even reported deaths or major health issues from using various tick and flea meds on the EPI pets.

Because our dogs (and cats) are already compromised due to EPI…. we cannot tell you which product to use, but we do suggest:

1. NOT using products that are multi-sourced (tick, flea & heartworm meds all rolled into one)…. and
2. We do NOT recommend highly potent meds that are only given once every 3, 6, 9 or 12 months a year.


Aug 2020: Tick and Flea Medications Adverse Event Findings (by Project Jake)
Flea and Tick Medications: Adverse Event Findings Released by Project Jake | Hemopet


June 2020 : The following is a wonderful article that gives stats on a large list of tick & flea meds, related deaths and related various health issues, and how the stats were recorded and what should/could be changed in the data gathering .