Jean’s EPI companion, “Kara”
~ Forum Rules ~
No criticism of how any person manages their dog – – we all just do our best
Any slander, disrespect or vulgarity in a post towards anyone or any entity will be removed
- Specific breeder’s names are not to be mentioned
All suggestions are simply personal opinion, experience & observation or noted research. This forum is not here to replace any person’s vet.
Valid research findings will not be prohibited because of any one individual’s interest. It will be up to the reader to discern for themselves the accuracy of any and all information.
- ALL information on this website and FORUM including files, posts, links, research papers and suggestions are welcomed to be shared with your vet. As a matter of fact, we encourage it.
- No requests for private fundraising will be allowed on EPI4dogs. Any and all fundraising on Epi4Dogs may only be conducted by Epi4Dogs, promoted by Epi4Dogs for the purpose of EPI Research or EPI Awareness. Any private fundraising requests including links to fundraising websites will be removed.
- Any/all information provided by members, participants, or agents of Epi4Dogs is not meant to replace instructions provided by a veterinary professional. Please be sure to coordinate any/all changes with your veterinarian.
Sadly, this wonderful donation service has been stopped by Amazon as of
February 1, 2023.
February 1, 2023.
REMEMBER… select Epi4Dogs as your charity of choice!!!
Wonder Labs
In honor of EPI dogs world-wide, please feel free to use Wonderlabs 15% Appreciation Discount (code: EPI4DOGS15 ) on ALL Wonderlabs products… this offer has been extended permanently.. THANK YOU Wonderlabs!!!
Special International Shipping Discount on all “Wonderlabs” products. No expiration on this offer!
Epi4Dogs highly recommends Wonderlabs PetFactor B12 or Trinfac B12 products for EPI dog’s B12 needs