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Schebo *new* Pancreas Elastase 1 Quick™ Canine test

 If money is tight, there is an ‘INDICATION” option….. although not the gold-standard like the TLI… the Schebo can be done and then confirmed with a TLI at a later date when one has the resources.

ScheBo® • Pancreas Elastase 1 Quick™ Canine Test

Epi4Dogs would like to offer a new / revised Fecal Elastase test produced by Schebo (a German Bio-Tech company established 1989)  that you can purchase as an individual and test your dog (via feces) in your own home for an “indication” whether or not your dog may be dealing with EPI.  The specificity of this test has a 93% accuracy of an indication….. although not 99.9% accuracy like the TLI test … BUT…. well worth doing as an in-home test kit…. to get an indication of possible EPI.

Too many times, people, shelters or rescue organizations are not immediately able to financially afford the accurate $125+ gold-standard TLI blood test to positively confirm EPI ….. and although you can readily treat for EPI based on the physical signs ….. EPI physical signs can also mimic many other conditions….and sometimes not be EPI.

Although treating without testing often comes about from good intentions………. some dogs are then mis-diagnosed and consequently mis-treated putting them at risk, sometimes with dire consequences.  If you or someone you know who would benefit from testing for an indication of EPI, please consider trying the Schebo Pancreas Elastase 1 Quick Canine test kit for an indication that your dog is most likely dealing with EPI.   If the results are positive, then talk to your vet about treating for EPI and make plans to confirm diagnosis with a follow-up TLI test when you can afford it.

Because Epi4Dogs is a Non-Profit Organization, we will not sell this product but do want to offer it to our EPI community.  Epi4Dogs has partnered with Schebo and Schebo’s  NA distributor, Catachem  with regards to working on the specifics on how to best distribute the Schebo product at the best price for the EPI community.

We are very pleased and thankful to announce that EnzymeDiane is working with Schebo’s NA distributor and will now carry this test kit.  

The cost of the kit is approximately $45 plus shipping. 

This test is specific for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency the actual numbers showed a 95.3% sensitivity and a 92% specificity in a clinical trial of 331 dogs of which 43 had known clinical EPI. I have requested from Schebo the clinical trial research results for your review… and have posted below the original product 2000 research below.

 (new) ScheBo® • Pancreas Elastase 1 Quick™ Canine Test is a rapid stool test kit that quickly and conveniently excludes or diagnoses possible canine EPI in your own home or vet’s office.

 Any dog presenting with the following symptoms could have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency:

  • Steatorrhoea (greasy/oily stools)
  • Diarrhea (loose/watery stools)
  • Vomiting
  • Cow-pat stool, frequent stools
  • Polyphagia (ravenous appetite)
  • Rapid weight loss, failure to thrive
  • Gas, abdominal discomfort
  • Borborygmus (tummy sounds)
  • Coprophagia (eating feces)
  • Poor coat condition (dry, dull, brittle)

The test is simple to perform:

A single small stool sample is sufficient.

  • Absolutely pancreas-specific
  • No additional equipment required
  • Results available 10 minutes after adding the stool extract
  • No starvation periods needed
  • No blood sampling
  • Intestinal inflammation does not affect the test result
  • Uses monoclonal antibodies – substitution therapy does not influence the test result
  • Store kit at 4 – 27 C (Does not require refrigeration)
We have had a question come up about this test:
QUESTION: If the line in the test region, but it was pale/light/faded – not nearly as beefy, bright or solid as the control line. What does this mean??? 
ANSWERThe Elastase 1 levels are fine if you are able to see two lines after waiting exactly ten minutes to read the test results. The test line must be recognizable as a line, although it may be weaker than that of the control.  

Catachem has designed this informative (and easy to understand) “How-To” brochure explaining the testing process:   Schebo Pancreas Elastase brochure

Schebo Test kit available in Australia

The Schebo Fecal Pancreas test kit is now available in Australia at the following Schebo distributor:

Kelvin Chan  |  Product Specialist

Mobile:  +61 458 844 550
Email:  [email protected]
Free Call:  1800 222 287  Free Fax:  1800 287 222

ABN:  63 126 255 990

The Schebo “original” fecal test research (with flaws)

Please feel free to read PDF link of the “original” Schebo Pancreas Elastase Fecal (cE1) research, published in 2000 in the European Journal of Comparative Gastroenterology, Vol 5, No. 2, December 2000 2000.pdf

and thank you Jack for submitting this!