EPI in Snapshots
www.epi4dogs.com is packed with tons of detailed research and information designed to give the best and most thorough information out there on EPI and to offer it all from one site – – however – – if your pet has just been diagnosed with EPI….this can be very overwhelming for pet owners to try and read through all this material at once. One of our members, Paula, has designed the following slide show that succinctly explains EPI without overwhelming those just embarking on this journey. I hope you find this helpful.
When does EPI happen?
The following is a fairly good representation, although a small slice the EPI population, of when EPI tends to affect most dogs that develop EPI. Over the years we have noted that some dogs do develop EPI late in life, however, those numbers have been very low.
What to Feed your dog
SID (Small Intestinal Dysbiosis) formerly called SIBO